Saturday, January 26, 2013

Life with a Pre-Pubesent Girl

As I'm sure you can tell from my profile I have 3 kids. My oldest daughter is 11 (will be 12 in August), my son is 9, (will be 10 in March) and my youngest daughter is 7 (will be 8 in August).

I don't remember how I was when I was going through puberty, but Holy Drama Queen Batman, my 11 year old is going to drive me completely nutty before its all said & done! She is an emotional roller coaster every day, and you never know what you are going to get when you talk to her. Attitude, tears, or happiness.

It was the night before the last day of school, for Christmas break. She was going to have a party the next day & wanted to wear something nice, so we were in her room trying to pick something out. She has this cute gold dress, but it is sleeveless and she doesn't have a sweater to wear over it. When I told her she couldn't wear it, she threw herself on the bed, flopping all over it, and crying. Oh My God kid, get a grip, its a freaking dress!!! I gave her several other options to wear that were just as cute, but they were not acceptable. Finally I gave up and told her to go naked for all I cared.

The next morning school was canceled due to snow! Ha take that kid!! She wore it around the house & for our family Christmas so she was happy.

Then the other night while I was tucking them in for bed & she got really mouthy! I said something about assuming they had done what they were asked, and she spouted off at the mouth " Yeah well you know what assuming does don't you?" OH HELL NO LITTLE GIRL!! I told her to watch her mouth or next time she will wish she hadn't learned to speak! She blurted back, "you shouldn't have taught us what it means then" Umm I also taught you what the middle finger meant ( she used it when she was younger, so I had to explain to her it was not appropriate) that doesn't give you the right to use it!!

Today she woke up in the best mood! Gave me a hug, said Good Morning, and told me she loved me. Aww, that's my sweet little girl. Why can't she be like this all the time? I'm sure when I get home I will hear all about how her brother & sister pissed her off several times & how she wishes she was an only child. Until then I'm going to relish in the fact that she talked to me today, because that may be a different story tomorrow.

I can't even imagine what it will be like when she actually gets her period, and has PMS. At least I know what I have to look forward to when the youngest starts going through it! Lord help us all when both of them start!! Anyone else deal with this kind of madness from their daughter? Will it get worse before it gets better, or am I just screwed??


  1. Been there done that!! Just wait until she gets the friends you hate (or the ones that hit on your man). Then there are boys! That is when you will see the drama queen come out....

  2. Awesome!! Can't wait for all that! We have already had 1 boyfriend but it didn't last but a week or so & there wasn't any tears or anything. I remember the boyfriend part of growing up, its just the constant change in mood that is killing me! You would think she was already PMSing!!
