Sunday, January 27, 2013

Be original, its more interesting

There are few things that annoy me. The main annoyance is people trying to play things off as their own, when everyone knows good & well they copied it!

I used to be friends with this chic who always told people she was Buddhist and believed in saving the world.That wasnt the problem I had with her. The problem was that she didn't even know what it meant to be Buddihst, she just knew a few people that claimed they were too, and thought it was cool.  How can a person claim to be a religion without knowing what it entailed? You look like a dumbass when you talk about it!!

Then she was all about organic shit. Ok Im all for saving the world, but not at the cost of eat dirt & taking water in a bath that everyone else has already used! She wears organic clothes (whatever those are) and makes her poor kids do it it too.

She breastfed her kid til she was like 3, because she read that it was best thing to do. Again I'm all for breastfeeding, I did it with my kids. But when they could sit up & walk, it was time to stop. I know a lot of people breastfeed for a while & to each their own, but I think its a little much when your child comes up, pulls your boob out & starts drinking!

Now she is trying to sell shit she made from ideas on Pinterest. Ummm I can go on there & make the same shit.. FOR FREE.. There is no way in hell I would pay you to make something I can make.

There are several other things she does, that are clearly not her idea, and I would love to call her out, but it will only cause problems.. and well.. I got 99 problems, but this BITCH ain't one!

Ann Landers once said, Copying is a form of flattery, I can think of a shit ton of others way you can flatter a person. Trying to be like them is not one of them.

Moral of the story.. BE ORIGINAL!

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