Thursday, January 24, 2013

Head Lice is the Devil!!!

About two years ago, a friend of mine & I were talking about head lice and how I have been lucky to not have to deal with it. A day later she was going to cut my youngest daughter's hair, and she came out to tell me she had head lice. Of course I freaked out!!!

She told me what I needed to do and what kind of stuff I needed to buy. I went to Walmart, bought all the shit they had and went home to start doing everyones hair. My oldest daughter had hair to the middle of her back & it's super thick. I'm talking 1/2 inch pony tail, thick! I followed the directions and got started on her first (since her hair was the longest), and it took me 4 hours. Yes, 4 hours!! By this time she is tired and annoyed from me pulling her hair, and my back looks like I have a wicked case of osteoporosis. I get her hair finished and start on my son. His hair was short, so it was quick & painless. Then it was on to my youngest daughter. All in all it took me about 6 hours. After I was finished, I bagged all their stuffed animals, stripped their beds, vacuumed my entire house, including beds, and made them sleep with shower caps on.

That's when I realized, Oh shit we all use the same brush!! You guessed I had it too. Didn't even realize I had it. So now I'm doing my hair. By now its almost 11:00 at night and I'm exhausted. My husband said "Fuck all that mess I'm shaving my head" Thank God cause I was over it and did not want to do anything else that had to do with head lice.

About a week later, the school nurse called me at work again to tell me my oldest had head lice. I about came unglued! How in the hell am I supposed to get rid of this shit if they aren't telling any other parents and I'm the only one treating it??

This went on every other week for a year. During the summer if I saw them scratch their head I was doing the lice treatment. Their poor little heads were so dry from all the shit I had put on it, that I couldn't tell if it was lice or dry skin. I tried every home remedy there was to find. Coconut oil, vegetable oil, not letting them wash their hair for a week ( apparently they only like clean hair). Finally we got rid of it, and then they started school again.

They weren't in there for more than a month when I got that dreaded call from the school nurse. "Are you fucking kidding me?" What kind of Mickey Mouse operation were they running? I kept thinking, they have got to be getting it from somewhere..

Then we moved to another state, which meant a new school.. YES!! No more lice!!!! WRONG!!!!!! They weren't at school for more than a month when the school nurse at the new school called me to say the kids had lice. By now I'm thinking their is something wrong with my kids.

At this school if a kid is sent home with lice they can't ride the bus the next day, they have to be brought in and checked by the nurse before being released to class. So I take them in, and wouldn't you know the nurse is checking 3 other kids heads. Ok at least I'm not the only parent dealing with this. As I'm waiting I see the nurse pulling out the lice from some girl & throwing it on the floor.. What the fuck is she doing?? Doesn't she know they don't die by being pulled out? They have to be fried or killed with the medicated shampoo.. DUH dumbass!!!!

A year has passed and we have been lice free, until today. My MIL calls to tell me she found one in my oldest daughters hair!! No way!! So back to Walmart I go to buy everything they have!! Luckily we recently cut her hair so it didn't take 4 hours, and I had another person helping me, but we went ahead did every one's hair.

I'm telling you what, if this doesn't kill the little buggers this time I'm shaving everyones heads. We can be known as the skin head family for all I care.. I HATE LICE!!!!!!

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