Sunday, February 3, 2013

What is your biggest pet peeve??

I have a few pet peeves. When people do things that irritate the shit out of me I just want to slap the life out of them.

One thing that peeves me is when I'm talking to someone about something and another person chimes in with their 2 cents that has absolutely nothing to do with what Im talking about. For example I was recently talking to someone about IU basketball, and this random person starts talking about Michigan State football. First of all, I was talking about basketball, and second of all I could give 2 shits about Michigan State football! Take that mess somewhere else!!

Another thing is when people interrupt me. This kinda goes hand in hand with the first one. If I'm talking and you interrupt me with stupid nonsense I'm going to dick punch you. Nothing irritates me more than someone who interrupts me. My kids do it all the time, and since its illegal to punch my kids, I just wave them away and keep on talking. Seriously, if what you have to say is so important that you have to butt in to my conversation while I'm talking, then you better be dying!!

I don't know about you guys but do these things piss you off?? If not, what does? I would love to hear what makes you guys mad enough to spit nails.

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