Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Why do people still live in the Stone Age?

Why do people still stand around in judgement? Especially people in the religious community? I'm sure this is probably going to ruffle a few feathers, but you know, this is my blog and if you don't like what I have to say you can leave.

This past Monday a teacher at a high school here in IN has started a group to keep gay/lesbian couples from going to the prom. She said that those children "have no purpose". Really?? What kind of Fucktard says that about a child? I know they are in high school, but they are still kids. With all the bullying and suicides in children, doesn't she know that doesn't help the matter?

We are all different in our own ways, but we are all still children of God. I'm not a person who attends church on a regular basis, but that doesn't mean I don't know The Bible or believe in God. I know it says in The Bible, Thou shall not judge, less he be judged. So all these haters out there saying the LGBT have no purpose makes them look stupid in every way; because in the same sentence they say my God wouldn't allow that.

God loves all his children regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Seriously people get your head out of your ass and join the rest of the world here in 2013.

A Friend posted a rant on her Facebook page about this too, and made very valid points about how we are all unique, and she doesn't hate people because of the way they are. She accepts everyone, and if they can't accept her the same way, then they shouldn't be friends. I can't agree with her more!

This world is going to shit, and people are still worried about who you are having sex with. We have a huge deficit in our country, lots of seniors of going to potentially lose their Social Security benefits, and education sucks. Yet there are still people  concerned about what goes on in the privacy of your home.

There is a Facebook page supporting the students who want to go to prom as they are, whether they are gay, lesbian, straight, what have you. I have liked the page and if you agree, I hope you will like the page too.

Lets help these kids have one of the most memorable nights of High School!

Here is the link to the page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Support-the-Sullivan-High-School-Prom-for-All-Students/611335158883992?ref=stream

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