Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Just a mouse & a car

I don't freak out over many things, but when this happened to me I acted like a big wuss!

I was driving to work the other day, just bee-bopping along, only about 5 miles to go before I'm there. Something catches my attention on the dash over on the passenger side, and when I look over I see a FREAKING MOUSE!!!!!!

I start screaming (literally!) I roll the window down & keep telling the little guy to just jump, it will only hurt for a minute. It acts like it's going to, then turns & runs over to in front of me. I have no where to pull over so I just keep screaming while it runs back & forth on my dash.

I finally get to a place I can pull off (a gas station) & I whip it in there all Mario Andretti style & slam it into park  while jumping out. I find the first person I see & run over to them. "You have to help me" I say to the guy, and he looks at me like I'm being chased or something. "No seriously, you have to help me, I have a mouse in my car, and I cant drive with it in there" The guy backs up & gives me the look of  "you are on your own." I think he decided to help me when he saw my knees shaking & thought I might just cry.

He asks if he can open the doors and of course I tell him go for it. So we open all the doors on my van, its just sitting there wide open in the middle of the gas station. People are driving by trying to figure out whats going on, because all the while I'm dancing around like a crazy woman.

The guy tells me to keep an eye on it & make sure it doesn't go down into my dash. I'm on the phone with my boss telling her I'm going to be late, and why & she is hysterical laughing at me. While shes laughing at me, the little fucker goes down into my dash. I yell for the guy & tell him hes gone, and about the that time I see it go running across my floorboards to the back of the van. We start chasing that thing all over until , finally the guy says "I think it crawled out the drivers side" YOU THINK?!?!?! I can't get into the car unless you are 100% sure!!!

He assures me that its fine & Ill be fine. I think he didn't want to help me anymore cause he was scared too. By now I'm on the phone with The Husband (he is hysterical laughing at me too) & he keeps telling me to get in the car, but I just physically cant get in! I'm so scared that its still in there that I keep psyching myself out.

Finally I get in, but I'm driving with one foot in the seat & sitting straight up so I can see the whole dash, just in case. When I get to work, my boss is still laughing her ass off at me. She says "Best I'm gonna be late for work call, EVER" Thanks, glad my misfortune is funny to you!

Still not sure if the little bugger got out, but I haven't seen him since. The Husband said to put a mouse trap in the back, but I'm not sure that would be any better. I can just imagine me driving down the road when I hear the damn thing snap! I would probably wreck, or piss my pants over the fact the damn thing was still in the car with me!

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