Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I have some pretty cool kids..

I'm not one of those moms that brags all the time about my kids.. I know my kids are awesome, and lets face it, if you have met my kids you will agree they are pretty freaking awesome, but I have to just say I'm gonna brag about all the good things they have done recently, for just a second..

My daughter, Bubbles, recently made all A's & 1 B+. This is really good since that B+ was a C in the middle of the 9 weeks. She was upset she only got that B+, but decided she will just do more work to bring it up. I love that my kid is concerned with her grades, especially since she has always said she wants to be a Dr. Yesterday she tried out for a part in the school play & called me this morning to tell me she got in. I always knew that drama queen personalty would get her somewhere (in case the Dr thing doesn't work out).. Then today she tells me she will be getting an award at the end of the year for Most Outstanding Student. That girl is on FI-YAHH!!

The Boy is turning 10 in a couple days, and he is a typical 10 year old boy. Bruises, and muddy clothes. But that little boy kind of faded away for a second around Valentines day when he kept asking me how to let a girl know you like her. Since it was close to the Day of Love, and Valentines would be exchanged I told him to make her a special one. So he did & gave her 4 Hershey kisses instead of 2 like everyone else. He is going to make some girl very happy.. He also made the A-B Honor Roll, and could really care less, he was just glad they weren't Ds or Fs.. He is so his fathers son!

Flayla decided to pop the top on the gummy vitamins and eat all but about 12 of them. Of course I freaked out a little, and found that as long as it didn't have iron in it she would be fine. Luckily our vitamins were iron free, and there was no need for an ER trip. She also made the A-B Honor Roll (if you consider Os +s and Ss as As and Bs). She reads at a 4th grade reading level in 2nd grade, and reads 116 words per minute. That's a lot of freaking words for such a little girl.

Enough bragging about my kids, but now you know who cool they are!

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