Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How I Met your Father...

With tomorrow being Valentine's Day I thought I'd give the sweet story of how I met my husband and ended up marrying him.

It was 2002, and I was going through a rough time in life. At 20 years old, I had a baby, and was already getting ready to divorce the man I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with. So when he moved out I went a little "buckwild". I partied every weekend that I didn't have my daughter, and went out with every guy I could.

I had friends staying with me to help with the bills, and they were always bringing new people over. I never did anything when my daughter was with me, so when she was gone I let loose. My apartment was known as the place to party, so random people were in and out all the time.

One weekend right before Valentine's Day, my friend got a call from this guy she knew. He wanted to know what she was doing hat night. She told him she was partying at my house and that he was more than welcome to come hang out. He asked if he could bring a friend, and of course a party is always better with more people, so she said sure.

When he showed up, we both realized we knew each other, and started catching up. I didn't even notice the guy that came with him,that was  until I went to my kitchen & he was in there chatting with other people. I introduced myself, and said "Welcome to my Humble Abode" (yeah I was a bit of a weirdo). He said "thanks for having me, its a fun party", and that's when I really noticed him. He had the biggest blue eyes, a sweet smile, and a very sexy voice!

As the night progressed ( and the drinks kept coming), my friend pulled out the new video camera she got for Christmas. She was taping everyone and having a good time, but she was on the other end of the camera so I took it from her so she could be in some of the video. Apparently I wasn't as concerned as I thought about having her in the video, because I kept the camera on him for 30 mins. Yes, 30 mins of me just staring at him from the back of a video camera!! That's creeper material right there.  Then  he started dancing to N'SYNCs song Bye Bye Bye; he knew every step, and I was hooked!!

He made his move on me and we stayed up all night talking. The guys went home the next day, but came back that evening (the other guy & my friend hit it off too) to spend some more time with us. That was a Sunday which meant my daughter was going to be coming home. Apparently the new guy missed the memo about me having a baby (the pics on my walls weren't a dead give away or anything) and was a little freaked out. He started asking my friends about her, and giving me the 3rd degree. It was close to her bedtime so I gave her a bath, and fed her a bottle. She fell asleep, I put her to bed, and went back to hang out. I left the room for seriously 2 secs and when I came back both the guys were gone. I asked where they had gone and my friend wasn't entirely sure. So I go upstairs and what do I see? Both the guys looking over my sleeping baby in her crib. Ok now I'm freaked the F out.. What the Hell are these guys doing? They proceed to tell me they both have nephews that they adore and think sleeping babies are sweet & innocent. I'm a little less freaked out, but still think they may be the creeper type.

We spent a few weeks together, learned things about each other, and took the baby for walks to the local park. During all of this I was moving out of my apartment and he helped move my stuff. He was such a good guy and with everything I was going through he stuck by me.

We took a little trip just the 2 of us after about a month after dating. While walking on the beach, he turned to me and said "I have never felt this way about any girl I have ever been with, will you marry me?" Of course I was going through a horrible divorce and wasn't in any place to be with another guy, but there was something about him that made me feel safe and wanted. He stuck with me through all I was going through, loved my little girl like she was his, and always had my back.

Once we found out I was pregnant with our son, we decided it was time to make it official. My divorce was final, and we thought what better time to do it then Valentine's Day. I was 6 1/2 months pregnant, and wanted to be married before the baby arrived; so we called our 2 friends, met at them at the courthouse, and got married by the Justice of the Peace. Afterwards he took to Wendy's for lunch, ran by the grocery to get me ice cream, and then went to work. That was how our first night of marriage went. Pretty exciting right?!

This Valentine's Day marks our 10 year wedding anniversary (a total of 11 years together), and it has been the best 10 years ever. We have had another child, and experienced so many exciting things together. I can't wait to spend many more years with this amazing guy.

What can I say we are retarded for each other <3

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Why do people still live in the Stone Age?

Why do people still stand around in judgement? Especially people in the religious community? I'm sure this is probably going to ruffle a few feathers, but you know, this is my blog and if you don't like what I have to say you can leave.

This past Monday a teacher at a high school here in IN has started a group to keep gay/lesbian couples from going to the prom. She said that those children "have no purpose". Really?? What kind of Fucktard says that about a child? I know they are in high school, but they are still kids. With all the bullying and suicides in children, doesn't she know that doesn't help the matter?

We are all different in our own ways, but we are all still children of God. I'm not a person who attends church on a regular basis, but that doesn't mean I don't know The Bible or believe in God. I know it says in The Bible, Thou shall not judge, less he be judged. So all these haters out there saying the LGBT have no purpose makes them look stupid in every way; because in the same sentence they say my God wouldn't allow that.

God loves all his children regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Seriously people get your head out of your ass and join the rest of the world here in 2013.

A Friend posted a rant on her Facebook page about this too, and made very valid points about how we are all unique, and she doesn't hate people because of the way they are. She accepts everyone, and if they can't accept her the same way, then they shouldn't be friends. I can't agree with her more!

This world is going to shit, and people are still worried about who you are having sex with. We have a huge deficit in our country, lots of seniors of going to potentially lose their Social Security benefits, and education sucks. Yet there are still people  concerned about what goes on in the privacy of your home.

There is a Facebook page supporting the students who want to go to prom as they are, whether they are gay, lesbian, straight, what have you. I have liked the page and if you agree, I hope you will like the page too.

Lets help these kids have one of the most memorable nights of High School!

Here is the link to the page:

Sunday, February 3, 2013

What is your biggest pet peeve??

I have a few pet peeves. When people do things that irritate the shit out of me I just want to slap the life out of them.

One thing that peeves me is when I'm talking to someone about something and another person chimes in with their 2 cents that has absolutely nothing to do with what Im talking about. For example I was recently talking to someone about IU basketball, and this random person starts talking about Michigan State football. First of all, I was talking about basketball, and second of all I could give 2 shits about Michigan State football! Take that mess somewhere else!!

Another thing is when people interrupt me. This kinda goes hand in hand with the first one. If I'm talking and you interrupt me with stupid nonsense I'm going to dick punch you. Nothing irritates me more than someone who interrupts me. My kids do it all the time, and since its illegal to punch my kids, I just wave them away and keep on talking. Seriously, if what you have to say is so important that you have to butt in to my conversation while I'm talking, then you better be dying!!

I don't know about you guys but do these things piss you off?? If not, what does? I would love to hear what makes you guys mad enough to spit nails.