Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What is wrong with kids these days??

I know everywhere there is going to be some kind of violence, drugs, and other horrible things, but I never thought it would be in my own backyard.

We live in a county that is known for the cheaper property, and drugs. If you tell someone around here you live in Greene County, they automatically give you the look of "oh you live OUT THERE" and assume you are that type of person. We are not that type, and don't want our children to be brought down by the assumptions.

About a week before school was out, my son brought home a letter from his teacher stating that a couple of boys in his class had gotten into some trouble. Upon further reading and talking to my son, I found out the little boys were caught dealing pot (aka weed, mary jane, gonga, marijuanna) to each other.

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PARENTS?!?!?! My son doesn't know what pot is (at least he didn't until then) and has never seen it. So how do the little boys know what to do with it? And how did the other child who told on them know what it was? Are parents that stupid to do that around their children, or do they just not give a shit?

My son was upset because he was friends with the little boys. Of course if I had known what type of kids they were I would have put a stop to that. But I think he was more upset over the fact that I flipped my shit and threatened to call the news channels and make a huge spectacle of the whole thing. He didn't want the little boys to get into anymore trouble, and didn't want any attention brought to the situation.

Seriously though, in 4th grade? I expect that kinda stupidity in high school, but not elementary! I know I can't shelter my children from stuff like that, but I'll be good god damned if my 10 year old is exposed to drugs, sex, or violence, at school. I know I'm not the only parent who feels this way, but it only takes that 1 parent who doesn't give a shit, to screw up what I'm doing with my child(ren).

The Husband and I talked to our son and explained to him why it was bad what the little boys had done, and told him that kids like that generally end up worse as they get older. He said he felt sorry for the little boys because they got expelled for the rest of the year (there were only 7 days left), but that he understood what they did was wrong.

Those little boys will be able to return to the school next year, but my children will not be there. Thank God!

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